Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Smart Gmail

Did You Know That…
when you create, or you had created already, your Gmail mailbox (it's sounds a little bit strange - G-mailbox :)), you will get one more alias?

Let my first name is Joe and last name Doe.

Let us create new account at Gmail (if you have one already, do not create new one ;) )
So I will put my first and last names into textboxes. After I have to choose desired login name.
I will choose JoeDoe cause I would like to have pretty email address JoeDoe@gmail.com.

After account setup is complete, I try to login to my mailbox with login name 'Joe.Doe' (with dot between the names).
I am in the mailbox I created few minutes ago.

This is nice feature.

Now I can use
JoeDoe@gmail.com or
it does not matter. All emails will deliver to my mailbox.

P.S. I am not sure it works when you compose your login name not from your first and last names. No matter the order of the names in alias
